Hi there, I'm Anabil, a backend developer with a passion for creating efficient, scalable, and secure web applications.


Services That I Provide

Database Management

Database development and management: I am familiar with a variety of databases, including MongoDB, SQL, and Redis for caching. I can help you design, develop, and manage your database, ensuring that it's secure, reliable, and efficient.

Backend Developement

Hi there, I'm Anabil, a backend developer with a passion for creating efficient, scalable, and secure web applications. I'm proficient in a variety of programming languages and frameworks, and I enjoy exploring new technologies and tools that can help me improve my craft .My expertise with Node.js and Express.js has enabled me to build complex and robust APIs that can handle high traffic and large data volumes. I have extensive experience designing, developing, and optimizing backend systems, ensuring maximum performance and reliability.Moreover, my extensive experience working with MongoDB has allowed me to develop an intimate understanding of database design and management, including efficient indexing and query optimization techniques.


In addition to my expertise in backend development, I also have experience in DevOps and deployment. I understand the importance of automating processes and optimizing infrastructure to ensure that web applications run smoothly and reliably.Most of my projects are hosted in google app engine or google compute engine and can handle thousands of users at the same time.


My Recent Projects


Scalable social media web app that helps people connecting with each other

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Rocket Chats

A chat application that can scale automatically, can hamdel thousands of users simultaneously

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Admin pannel

An admin pannel that effortlessly manages the websites.

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Cryptocurrency application that fetched date from real time APIs

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My BLog Posts

20 Dec, 2022

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20 Dec, 2022

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My Education

High School

Carmel School (2005 - 2018)

Higher Secondary

Pragya Academy (2018 - 2020)

Batchelor of Technology

Jorhat Institute of science and technology (2020 - 2024)


Interested in working together? Let's talk